Active Clinical Studies

Active clinical studies


Elevated blood glucose levels? Participate for free in treatments endorsed by health authorities.


Do you suffer from Systemic Lupus Erimatos? Participate for free in treatments endorsed by health authorities.


Do you suffer from psoriasis? Participate for free in treatments endorsed by health authorities.


Do you suffer from the respiratory tract, asthma? Participate for free in treatments endorsed by health authorities.


Do you have high cholesterol levels? Participate for free in treatments endorsed by health authorities.


Do you suffer from the respiratory tract, respiratory sinsicial virus? Participate for free in treatments endorsed by health authorities.


Do you suffer from osteoarthritis? Participate for free in treatments endorsed by health authorities.

Alopecia Areata Grave

If you are an 18 to 60 year old man or an 18 to 70 year old woman and you have this condition, you could participate in a clinical research trial that will analyze whether a medication is a safe and effective treatment for alopecia areata.

Atopic dermatitis

If you have itching, itching, dryness, redness or hives on the skin, you may have atopic dermatitis. Communicate, we offer you a new treatment option.

Cognitive health and high cholesterol

Clinical research study on cognitive health and high cholesterol.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rigidity, pain, inflammation in the joints or difficulty performing your usual occupations? Participate for free in treatments endorsed by health authorities.

Allergic rhinitis

Does your child suffer from allergic rhinitis? You have sneezing, itching and congestion or heavy nasal discharge. Do you have an allergy to dust, pollen and in certain seasons worse?

Artritis psoriásica

If you have active psoriatic skin lesions and joint pain, you can be a candidate for consultation with a specialist, laboratory tests and medication at no cost.

Psoriasis for children and adolescents

If you know children between 6 and 18 years of age who have plaque psoriasis, this study may interest you.
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